Monday, July 14, 2008

Still in Tokyo

We were going to get up this morning and go to the fish market but since we couldn:t quite coordinate meeting Takenori to get back into the apartment last night we decided not to chance missing our train to Kyoto this morning.
So we:re having a leisurely morning in his apartment (enjoying air conditioning and such). We are going to make our way to the train station early so that we can reserve our seats from Kyoto to the airport on the 18th (and likely get some breakfast).
Our meals have been good but dinner keeps getting left behind. We haven't had a real dinner yet (I don:t think that the crepe last late afternoon counts). It:s okay though as we:ve been walking between 4 and 6 miles a day.
Sorry for the crazy puncutation as I'm typing on a half Japanese and half English keyboard.
We'll write more as soon as we're able. We're off to Kyto in less than 3 hours and though we have reservations at a hostel I think we'll likely be in a hotel (Thao is getting more uncertain about the hostel idea as we get closer to it).
Take care!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dad has really been excited about your trip. I cut and pasted your "hello from Tokyo" and he managed to read it twice at work this morning. He is talking to Grandma B right now and know he is will be excited to get this message as well. Is the hostel a-c??? Where does Thao hope to find a hotel room? Love Mom