Sunday, December 9, 2007

Newest stuff...

So neither Thao nor I have written anything in the last few weeks and the blog is looking a little thin. I haven't done anything on our trip plan except I went to Chinatown last week and went into a travel agent's office. I even got his card. I know, you're impressed now. How about you Thao, how's your planning going?

Speaking of Thao, we just found out that our other friend, Sheen will also be visiting Hawaii in April. It'll be like a Brown reunion.

1 comment:

Thao said...

I know, I am so busy these days with life. Shopping in the holidays are so tiring and draining (the packing/the crowd)! I don't seem to have any energy for other stuffs. On other note, my parents just got back from Europe and they brought the most delicious pate' and chocolate back. Now I can write another entry in the blog. ^.^