Sunday, July 20, 2008

Water Puppets

We've made it to Hanoi! It's been a relatively quick and easy trip. We left Ho Chi Minh City this morning and took a short 2 hour flight (strangely enough - it provided a hot lunch) and arrived in Hanoi.
We're staying at a place called Bonjour Vietnam Hotel within the city. The hotel was recommended by Thao's cousin. It's small but seems quiet and clean (and cheap).
We've been making arrangements for the next couple of days. This evening we'll be attending the water puppetry show (which is world famous - be sure to google it). Tomorrow we're going to sightsee within the city and then on the 22nd we'll be going to Halong Bay. It's a full day trip (8am to 8:30pm) but only costs $27. Wow, the prices here aren't bad.
We're off to walk to the theater to buy our tickets and then grab some dinner. Maybe, yes, I'll have pho (it's a noodle dish).

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